*Trouble reading road signs/fast food menus/printed material/Bible-Try to take someone with me if I need to see street names and eat at home. haha Got new, stronger reading glasses for close-up, reading and computer work. These work sometimes, depending on what my eyes are doing.
*Eye pain, with bright/fluorescent light-I wear my dark, polarized sunglasses with lining that keeps light from getting in. These are especially fun during hot flashes when they totally fog over. Unfortunately, I can't wear them when I'm in the field so this makes taking pictures very difficult.

*Burning/watering eyes-Most of the time, especially with florescent light or bright sunlight or snowy conditions. Worse when allergies are acting up.-Wear my sunglasses. Use eye drops.
*Imaginary moving objects/shadows-While driving-Nothing helps with that.
*Imaginary moving objects/shadows-In the house-Nothing helps with that.
*Watery eyes in AM-Taking MSM eye drops to help with drying them up, some.
*Hazy vision-MSM eye drops help some with this.
* blurry vision-Glasses for reading. Can't use them when I take pictures, though.
*Swollen corneas-Again, taking MSM eye drops to help with drying them up and swelling go down.
*Halos-around street lights and light bulbs-Nothing helps with that.
*Glare-night driving, computer screen, back lit objects & off metal objects-especially sun glaring off cars-I try not to drive at night, especially if it's raining.
*Dry Eyes-Dry, gritty and burning. Wetting drops help some with that.
*Feeling of foreign matter in my eye and occasional feelings of sharp pain (like a prick) that quickly subsides.-Nothing helps with that.